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citation_config = {};

--[[ List of namespaces that should not be included in citation error categories. Same as setting notracking = true by default

Note: Namespace names should use underscores instead of spaces.de

citation_config.uncategorized_namespaces = { 'User', 'Talk', 'User_talk', 'Wikipedia_talk', 'File_talk', 'Template_talk', 'Help_talk', 'Category_talk', 'Portal_talk', 'Book_talk', 'Draft', 'Draft_talk', 'Education_Program_talk', 'Module_talk', 'MediaWiki_talk' }; ]] citation_config.uncategorized_namespaces = { 'Usuario', 'Usuaria', 'Discusión', 'Usuario_discusión', 'Usuario_Discusión','Usuaria_Discusión', 'Usuaria_discusión', 'Wikipedia_discusión', 'Archivo_discusión', 'Plantilla_discusión', 'Ayuda_discusión', 'Categoría_discusión', 'Portal_Discusión', 'Book_talk', 'Draft', 'Draft_talk', 'Education_Program_talk', 'Módulo_discusión', 'MediaWiki_discusión', 'Wikipedia', 'Wikiproyecto', 'Wikiproyecto_discusión' };

--[[ Translation table

The following contains fixed text that may be output as part of a citation. This is separated from the main body to aid in future translations of this module. ]] citation_config.messages = {

 ['published']         = 'publicado el $1',     --'published $1',
 ['lay summary']       = 'Resumen divulgativo', --'Lay summary',
 ['retrieved']         = 'Consultado el $1',    --'Retrieved $1',
 ['inactive']          = 'inactivo',            --'inactive',
 ['archived-dead']     = 'Archivado desde $1 el $2',-- 'Archived from $1 on $2',
 ['archived-not-dead'] = '$1 desde el original el $2', --'$1 from the original on $2',
 ['archived-missing']  = 'Archivado desde el original$1 el $2', --'Archived from the original$1 on $2',
 ['archived']          = 'Archivado', --'Archived',
 ['original']         = 'el original', --'the original',
 ['editor']      = 'ed.',
 ['editors']     = 'eds.', 
 ['edition']     = '($1 edición)',  --'($1 ed.)', 
 ['sin edición'] = '($1)',  -- No existe en la Wikipedia inglesa
 ['episode'] = 'episode',
 ['season'] = 'season', 
 ['series'] = 'series',
 ['cartography'] = 'Cartography by $1',
 ['section'] = 'Section $1',
 ['inset'] = '$1 inset',
 ['written'] = 'Escrito en $1', --'Written at $1',
 ['in'] = 'En', --'In',
 ['et al'] = "et al.", -- 'et al.', l
 ['subscription'] = '(requiere suscripción)' ..
 ['registration'] = '(requiere registro)' ..
 ['language'] = '(en $1)', -- '(in $1)', 
 ['format']   = '($1)',    -- No existe en la Wikipedia inglesa
 ['via'] = " – via $1",
 ['event'] = 'Escena en', --'Event occurs at',
 ['minutes'] = 'minutes in', 
 ['id']       = '$1', -- Nuevo. No existe en la plantilla original
 ['quoted-title']       = '«$1»', --'"$1"',
 ['italic-title']       = "$1",
 ['trans-quoted-title'] = "[$1]",
 ['trans-italic-title'] = "[$1]",
 ['quoted-text']        = '«$1»', -- '"$1"',
 ['parameter'] = '|$1=',
 ['parameter-separator'] = ', ',
 ['parameter-final-separator'] = ', y ', -- ', and ',
 ['parameter-pair-separator'] = ' y ', -- ' and ',
 -- Error output
 ['hidden-error']  = '',
 ['visible-error'] = '$1',
 -- Determines the location of the help page
 ['help page link'] = 'Ayuda:Errores en las referencias', --'Help:CS1 errors',
 ['help page label'] = 'ayuda', --'help',
 -- Internal errors (should only occur if configuration is bad)
 ['undefined_error'] = 'Called with an undefined error condition',
 ['unknown_manual_ID'] = 'Unrecognized manual ID mode',
 ['unknown_ID_mode'] = 'Unrecognized ID mode',
 ['unknown_argument_map'] = 'Argument map not defined for this variable',
 ['bare_url_no_origin'] = 'Bare url found but origin indicator is nil or empty',


-- Aliases table for commonly passed parameters citation_config.aliases = {

   ['AccessDate']  = {'fechaacceso', 'fecha-acceso', 'accessdate'}, --{'accessdate', 'accessyear'},
   ['AñoAcceso']   = {'añoacceso', 'accessyear'}, -- Inexistente en la plantilla original
   ['Agency']      = {'agencia', 'agency'},
   ['AirDate']     = 'airdate',
   ['ArchiveDate'] = {'fechaarchivo', 'archive-date', 'archivedate' },
   ['ArchiveURL']  = {'urlarchivo', 'archive-url', 'archiveurl' },
   ['ASINTLD']     = {'ASIN-TLD', 'asin-tld'},
   ['At']          = {'en', 'at'},
   ['Authors']      = {'autores', 'persona', 'personas', 'authors', 'people', 'host'},
   ['AuthorFormat'] = {"author-format", "authorformat" },
   ['AuthorSeparator'] = {'separador-autores', 'author-separator'},
   ['AuthorNameSeparator'] = {'separador-nombres', 'author-name-separator'},
   ['BookTitle'] = 'booktitle',

['Callsign'] = 'callsign', -- cite interview

   ['Cartography'] = 'cartography',
   ['Chapter'] = {'capítulo', 'artículo', 'chapter', 'contribution', 'entry', 'article', 'section', 'notestitle'},		-- notestitle is deprecated used by old cite AV media notes; remove after 1 October 2014;
   ['ChapterLink'] = 'chapterlink',
   ['ChapterURL'] = {'url-capítulo', 'urlcapítulo', 'chapter-url', 'chapterurl', 'contribution-url', 'contributionurl', 'sectionurl' },

['City'] = 'city', -- cite interview

   ['Coauthors'] = {'coautores', 'coautor', 'coauthors', 'coauthor' },
   ['Cointerviewers'] = 'cointerviewers',				-- cite interview
   ['Conference'] = {'conference', 'event' },
   ['ConferenceURL'] = {'conference-url', 'conferenceurl', 'eventurl' },
   ['Date'] = {'fecha','date'},
   ['Day'] = {'día', 'day'},
   ['DeadURL'] = 'deadurl',
   ['Degree'] = {'degree', 'grado'},
   ['DisplayAuthors'] = {"número-autores", "display-authors", "displayauthors"},
   ['DisplayEditors'] = {"número-editores", "display-editors", "displayeditors"},
   ['Docket'] = 'docket',
   ['DoiBroken'] = {'fecha-doi-roto', 'doi_inactivedate', 'doi_brokendate', 'DoiBroken'},
   ['Edition'] = {'edición', 'edition'},
   ['Editors'] = 'editors',
   ['EditorFormat'] = {"editor-format", "editorformat" },
   ['EditorSeparator'] = 'editor-separator',
   ['EditorNameSeparator'] = 'editor-name-separator',
   ['Embargo'] = {'Embargo', 'embargo'},
   ['Extra']   = 'extra', -- Inexistente en la plantilla original    
   ['Format']  = {'formato', 'format'},
   ['ID'] = {'id', 'ID', 'publisherid'},				-- publisherid is deprecated; used by old cite AV media notes and old cite DVD notes; remove after 1 October 2014;
   ['IgnoreISBN'] = {'ignore-isbn-error', 'ignoreisbnerror'},
   ['Inset'] = 'inset',
   ['Interviewer'] = 'interviewer',					-- cite interview
   ['Issue'] = {'número', 'issue', 'number'},
   ['Language'] = {'idioma', 'language', 'in'},
   ['LastAuthorAmp'] = {'ampersand', 'lastauthoramp'},
   ['LayDate'] = {'fecharesumen', 'fecha-resumen', 'fechaprofano', 'laydate'},
   ['LaySource'] = {'fuenteresumen', 'fuenteprofano', 'laysource'},
   ['LayURL'] = {'resumen', 'resumenprofano', 'layurl', 'laysummary'},
   ['MesAcceso']  = {'mesacceso', 'accessmonth'}, -- Inexistente en la plantilla original
   ['Minutes'] = 'minutes',
   ['Month'] = {'mes', 'month'},
   ['NameSeparator'] = 'name-separator',
   ['Network'] = 'network',
   ['NoPP'] = {'sinpp', 'nopp'},
   ['NoTracking'] = {"template doc demo", 'nocat', 
       'notracking', "no-tracking"},
   ['OrigYear'] = {'año-original', 'origyear', 'titleyear'},			-- titleyear is deprecated; used in old cite DVD notes; remove after 1 October 2014
   ['Others'] = {'otros', 'others', 'artist', 'director', 'bandname'},	-- artist and director are deprecated; used in old cite AV media notes and old cite DVD notes; remove after 1 October 2014
                                                                       -- bandname ya es obsoleto en la wikipedia inglesa.
   ['Page'] = {'página', 'p', 'page'},
   ['Pages'] = {'páginas', 'pp', 'pages'},
   ['Periodical'] = {'publicación', 'pub-periódica', 'periódico', 'revista', 'obra', 'journal', 'newspaper', 'magazine', 'work',
       'website', 'sitioweb', 'periodical', 'enciclopedia', 'encyclopedia', 'encyclopaedia', 'diccionario', 'dictionary'},
   ['Place'] = {'lugar', 'localización', 'ubicación', 'ciudad', 'place', 'location'},
   ['PPrefix'] = 'PPrefix',
   ['PPPrefix'] = 'PPPrefix',

['Program'] = 'program', -- cite interview

   ['PostScript'] = {'puntofinal', 'postscript'},
   ['PublicationDate'] = {'fecha-publicación', 'publicationdate', 'publication-date' },
   ['PublicationPlace'] = {'lugar-publicación', 'ubicación-publicación', 'publication-place', 'publicationplace' },
   ['PublisherName'] = {'editorial', 'publisher', 'distributor', 'institution'},
   ['Quote'] = {'cita', 'quote', 'quotation'},
   ['Ref'] = {'ref', 'Ref'},
   ['RegistrationRequired'] = 'registration',
   ['Scale'] = 'scale',
   ['Section'] = 'section',
   ['Season'] = 'season',
   ['Separator'] = {'separador', 'separator'},
   ['Series'] = {'serie', 'versión', 'colección', 'series', 'version'},
   ['SeriesSeparator'] = 'series-separator',
   ['SeriesLink'] = 'serieslink',
   ['SeriesNumber'] = {'seriesnumber', 'seriesno'},
   ['SinEd']   = 'sined', -- Inexistente en la plantilla original        
   ['Station'] = 'station',
   ['SubscriptionRequired'] = {'suscripción', 'subscription'},
   ['Time'] = {'tiempo', 'time'},
   ['TimeCaption'] = 'timecaption',
   ['Texto1'] = 1,
   ['Title'] = {'título', 'title'}, -- No pongo titre
   ['TitleLink'] = {'titlelink', 'episodelink', 'albumlink' },		-- albumlink is deprecated; used by old cite AV media notes; remove after 1 October 2014
   ['TitleNote'] = 'department',
   ['TitleType'] = {'tipo', 'medio', 'type', 'medium'},
   ['TransChapter'] = {'capítulo-trad', 'trans-chapter', 'trans_chapter' },
   ['Transcript'] = 'transcript',
   ['TranscriptURL'] = {'transcript-url', 'transcripturl'},
   ['TransTitle'] = {'títulotrad', 'título-trad', 'trans-title', 'trans_title' },
   ['URL'] = {'url', 'URL'},
   ['Via'] = 'via',
   ['Volume'] = {'volumen', 'volume'},
   ['Year'] = {'año', 'year'},
   ['AuthorList-First'] = {"nombre#", "nombres#", "author#-first", "author-first#",
       "first#", "given#"},
   ['AuthorList-Last'] = {"apellido#", "apellidos#", "autor#", "author#-last", "author-last#", 
       "last#", "surname#", "Author#", "author#", "authors#", "subject#"},
   ['AuthorList-Link'] = {"enlace-autor#", "enlaceautor#", "author#-link", "author-link#", 
       "author#link", "authorlink#", "subjectlink#"},
   ['AuthorList-Mask'] = {"máscara-autor#","máscaraautor#","author#-mask", "author-mask#", 
       "author#mask", "authormask#"},
   ['EditorList-First'] = {"nombre-editor#", "editor#-first", 
       "editor-first#", "EditorGiven#"},
   ['EditorList-Last'] = {"apellido-editor#", "apellidos-editor#", "editor#-last", "editor-last#",
       "EditorSurname#", "Editor#", "editor#", "editors#"},
   ['EditorList-Link'] = {"enlace-editor#", "editor#-link", "editor-link#", 
       "editor#link", "editorlink#"},
   ['EditorList-Mask'] = {"editor#-mask", "editor-mask#", 
       "editor#mask", "editormask#"},


-- Default parameter values citation_config.defaults = {

   ['DeadURL'] = 'yes',
   ['AuthorSeparator'] = ';',  -- Por comprobar si poner ;  ¿No hace falta poner el espacio?
   ['EditorSeparator'] = ';',
   ['NameSeparator'] = ',',    -- Por comprobar  
   ['PPrefix'] = "p. ",
   ['PPPrefix'] = "pp. ",    


--[[ Error condition table

The following contains a list of IDs for various error conditions defined in the code. For each ID, we specify a text message to display, an error category to include, and whether the error message should be wrapped as a hidden comment.

Anchor changes require identical changes to matching anchor in Help:CS1 errors ]]

citation_config.error_conditions = { accessdate_missing_url = { message = '|fechaacceso= requiere |url=', --'|accessdate= requires |url=', anchor = 'accessdate_missing_url', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias sin URL y con fecha de acceso', --'Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL', hidden = true }, archive_missing_date = { message = '|urlarchivo= requiere |fechaarchivo=', --'|archiveurl= requires |archivedate=', anchor = 'archive_missing_date', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias sin fechaarchivo y con urlarchivo', --'Pages with archiveurl citation errors', hidden = false }, archive_missing_url = { message = '|urlarchivo= requiere |url=', --'|archiveurl= requires |url=', anchor = 'archive_missing_url', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias sin URL y con urlarchivo', --'Pages with archiveurl citation errors', hidden = false }, bad_authorlink = { message = 'Comprueba el valor del |enlaceautor=', -- 'Check |authorlink= value', anchor = 'bad_authorlink', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con enlaceautor incorrecto', -- 'CS1 errors: authorlink', hidden = false }, bad_date = { message = 'Check date values in: $1', anchor = 'bad_date', category = 'CS1 errors: dates', hidden = true }, bad_doi = { message = '|doi= incorrecto',--'Check |doi= value', anchor = 'bad_doi', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con DOI incorrectos', --'Pages with DOI errors', hidden = false }, bad_isbn = { message = '|isbn= incorrecto', --'Check |isbn= value', anchor = 'bad_isbn', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con ISBN incorrectos', --'Pages with ISBN errors', hidden = false }, bad_issn = { message = '|issn= incorrecto',--'Check |issn= value', anchor = 'bad_issn', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con ISSN incorrectos', --'CS1 errors: ISSN', hidden = false }, bad_lccn = { message = '|lccn= incorrecto', --'Check |lccn= value', anchor = 'bad_lccn', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con LCCN incorrectos', --'CS1 errors: LCCN', hidden = false }, bad_ol = { message = 'Check |ol= value', anchor = 'bad_ol', category = 'Pages with OL errors', hidden = false }, bad_pmc = { message = '|pmc= incorrecto', --'Check |pmc= value', anchor = 'bad_pmc', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con PMC incorrectos', --'CS1 errors: PMC', hidden = false }, bad_pmid = { message = '|pmid= incorrecto', --'Check |pmid= value', anchor = 'bad_pmid', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con PMID incorrectos', -- 'CS1 errors: PMID', hidden = false }, bad_url = { message = '|url= incorrecta', --'Check |url= scheme', anchor = 'bad_url', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con URL incorrectas', --'Pages with URL errors', hidden = false }, bare_url_missing_title = { message = '$1 sin título', --'$1 missing title', anchor = 'bare_url_missing_title', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias sin título y con URL', -- 'Pages with citations having bare URLs', hidden = false }, citation_missing_title = { message = 'Falta el |título=', --'Missing or empty |title=', anchor = 'citation_missing_title', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias sin título', --'Pages with citations lacking titles', hidden = false }, cite_web_url = { -- this error applies to cite web and to cite podcast message = 'Falta la |url=', --'Missing or empty |url=', anchor = 'cite_web_url', category = 'Páginas con referencias web sin URL', --'Pages using web citations with no URL', hidden = true }, coauthors_missing_author = { message = '|coautores= requiere |autor=', --'|coauthors= requires |author=', anchor = 'coauthors_missing_author', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias sin autor y con coautores', --'CS1 errors: coauthors without author', hidden = false }, deprecated_params = { message = 'La referencia utiliza parámetros obsoletos', --'Cite uses deprecated parameters', anchor = 'deprecated_params', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros obsoletos', -- 'Pages containing cite templates with deprecated parameters', hidden = true }, empty_citation = { message = 'Referencia vacía', 'Empty citation', --'Empty citation', anchor = 'empty_citation', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias vacías', --'Pages with empty citations', hidden = false }, extra_pages = { message = 'Extra |páginas= o |en=', --'Extra |pages= or |at=', anchor = 'extra_pages', category = 'Pages with citations using conflicting page specifications', --'Pages with citations using conflicting page specifications', hidden = false }, format_missing_url = { message = '|formato= requiere |url=', --'|format= requires |url=', anchor = 'format_missing_url', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias sin URL y con formato', --'Pages using citations with format and no URL', hidden = true }, implict_etal_author = { message = 'Se sugiere usar |número-autores=', --'|displayauthors= suggested', anchor = 'displayauthors', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con et al. implícito en los autores', --'Pages using citations with old-style implicit et al.', hidden = true }, implict_etal_editor = { message = 'Se sugiere usar |número-editores=', --'|displayeditors= suggested', --'|displayeditors= suggested', anchor = 'displayeditors', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con et al. implícito en los editores', --'Pages using citations with old-style implicit et al. in editors', hidden = true }, parameter_ignored = { message = 'Parámetro desconocido |$1= ignorado', anchor = 'parameter_ignored', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros desconocidos', --'Pages with citations using unsupported parameters', hidden = false }, parameter_ignored_suggest = { message = 'Parámetro desconocido |$1= ignorado (se sugiere |$2=)', --'Unknown parameter |$1= ignored (|$2= suggested)', anchor = 'parameter_ignored_suggest', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros sugeridos', --'Pages with citations using unsupported parameters', hidden = false },

   -- No existe en la Wikipedia inglesa el parámetro urltrad.

parameter_ignored_suggest_urltrad = { message = 'Parámetro desconocido |$1= ignorado', anchor = 'parameter_ignored_suggest', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros desconocidos (urltrad)', --'Pages with citations using unsupported parameters', hidden = false },

redundant_parameters = { message = '$1 redundantes', --'More than one of $1 specified', anchor = 'redundant_parameters', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros redundantes', --'Pages with citations having redundant parameters', hidden = false }, text_ignored = { message = 'Texto «$1» ignorado', --'Text "$1" ignored', anchor = 'text_ignored', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros sin nombre', -- 'Pages with citations using unnamed parameters', hidden = false }, trans_missing_chapter = { message = '|capítulo-trad= requiere |capítulo=', --'|trans_chapter= requires |chapter=', anchor = 'trans_missing_chapter', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con términos traducidos sin el original', --'Pages with citations using translated terms without the original', hidden = false }, trans_missing_title = { message = '|título-trad= requiere |título=',--'|trans_title= requires |title=', anchor = 'trans_missing_title', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con términos traducidos sin el original', --'Pages with citations using translated terms without the original', hidden = false }, wikilink_in_url = { message = 'Wikienlace dentro del título de la URL', -- 'Wikilink embedded in URL title', anchor = 'wikilink_in_url', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con wikienlaces dentro del título de la URL', -- 'Pages with citations having wikilinks embedded in URL titles', hidden = false }, url_sugerida = { -- Se aplica cuando está informado el campo 1 con una url y la cita no tiene informada la url. message = 'Texto «$1» ignorado (se sugiere |$2=)', anchor = 'url_sugerida', category = 'Wikipedia:Páginas con referencias con parámetros sugeridos (URL)', hidden = false }, }

citation_config.id_handlers = {

   ['ARXIV'] = {
       parameters = {'arxiv', 'ARXIV'}, 
       link = 'arXiv',
       label = 'arXiv',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = '//arxiv.org/abs/', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
       encode = false,
       COinS = 'info:arxiv',
       separator = ':',
   ['ASIN'] = {
       parameters = { 'asin', 'ASIN' },       
       link = 'ASIN', --'Amazon Standard Identification Number',
       label = 'ASIN',
       mode = 'manual',
       COinS = 'info:asin',
       separator = ' ',
       encode = false;
   ['BIBCODE'] = {
       parameters = {'bibcode', 'BIBCODE'}, 
       link = 'Bibcode',
       label = 'Bibcode',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = 'http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/',
       encode = false,
       COinS = 'info:bibcode',
       separator = ':',
   ['DOI'] = {
       parameters = { 'doi', 'DOI' },
       link = 'Digital object identifier',
       label = 'doi',
       mode = 'manual',
       prefix = 'http://dx.doi.org/',
       COinS = 'info:doi',
       separator = ':',
       encode = true,
   ['ISBN'] = {
       parameters = {'isbn', 'ISBN', 'isbn13', 'ISBN13'}, 
       link = 'ISBN', --'International Standard Book Number',
       label = 'ISBN',
       mode = 'manual',
       prefix = 'Special:BookSources/',
       COinS = 'rft.isbn',
       separator = ' ',
   ['ISSN'] = {
       parameters = {'issn', 'ISSN'}, 
       link = 'ISSN', --'International Standard Serial Number',
       label = 'ISSN',
       mode = 'manual',
       prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/issn/',
       COinS = 'rft.issn',
       encode = false,
       separator = ' ',
   ['JFM'] = {
       parameters = {'jfm', 'JFM'}, 
       link = 'Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik',
       label = 'JFM',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = 'http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/en/search/?format=complete&q=an:',
       COinS = 'rft.jfm',
       encode = true,
       separator = ' ',
   ['JSTOR'] = {
       parameters = {'jstor', 'JSTOR'}, 
       link = 'JSTOR',
       label = 'JSTOR',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = '//www.jstor.org/stable/', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
       COinS = 'rft.jstor',
       encode = true,
       separator = ' ',
   ['LCCN'] = {
       parameters = {'LCCN', 'lccn'}, 
       link = 'Library of Congress Control Number',
       label = 'LCCN',
       mode = 'manual',
       prefix = 'http://lccn.loc.gov/',
       COinS = 'rft.lccn',
       encode = false,
       separator = ' ',
   ['MR'] = {
       parameters = {'MR', 'mr'}, 
       link = 'Mathematical Reviews',
       label = 'MR',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = '//www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
       COinS = 'rft.mr',
       encode = true,
       separator = ' ',
   ['OCLC'] = {
       parameters = {'OCLC', 'oclc'}, 
       link = 'Online Computer Library Center', --'OCLC',
       label = 'OCLC',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = '//www.worldcat.org/oclc/',
       COinS = 'info:oclcnum',
       encode = true,
       separator = ' ',
   ['OL'] = {
       parameters = { 'ol', 'OL' },
       link = 'Open Library',
       label = 'OL',
       mode = 'manual',
       COinS = 'info:olnum',
       separator = ' ',
       endode = true,
   ['OSTI'] = {
       parameters = {'OSTI', 'osti'}, 
       link = 'Office of Scientific and Technical Information',
       label = 'OSTI',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = '//www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
       COinS = 'info:osti',
       encode = true,
       separator = ' ',
   ['PMC'] = {
       parameters = {'PMC', 'pmc'}, 
       link = 'PubMed Central',
       label = 'PMC',
       mode = 'manual',		-- changed to support unlinking of PMC identifier when article is embargoed
       prefix = '//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC', 
       suffix = " ",
       COinS = 'info:pmc',
       encode = true,
       separator = ' ',
   ['PMID'] = {
       parameters = {'PMID', 'pmid'}, 
       link = 'PubMed Identifier',
       label = 'PMID',
       mode = 'manual',		-- changed from external manual to support PMID validation
       prefix = '//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/',
       COinS = 'info:pmid',
       encode = false,
       separator = ' ',
   ['RFC'] = {
       parameters = {'RFC', 'rfc'}, 
       link = 'Request for Comments',
       label = 'RFC',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = '//tools.ietf.org/html/rfc',
       COinS = 'info:rfc',
       encode = false,
       separator = ' ',
   ['SSRN'] = {
       parameters = {'SSRN', 'ssrn'}, 
       link = 'Social Science Research Network',
       label = 'SSRN',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = '//ssrn.com/abstract=', -- protocol relative tested 2013-09-04
       COinS = 'info:ssrn',
       encode = true,
       separator = ' ',
   ['ZBL'] = {
       parameters = {'ZBL', 'zbl'}, 
       link = 'Zentralblatt MATH',
       label = 'Zbl',
       mode = 'external',
       prefix = 'http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/zmath/en/search/?format=complete&q=an:',
       COinS = 'info:zbl',
       encode = true,
       separator = ' ',


return citation_config;