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Revisión actual - 18:11 23 abr 2013

/* Special:Contributions Wildcard/CIDR lookup, version [0.2.7]
Originally from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Splarka/contribsrange.js

* Uses the API which is faster than most CIDR contrib tools.
** Needs 1.14 r42198+ for advanced continue.
* Currently uses a GET json via <script src=""> to avoid ajax problems.
* Only currently works if submitted (or called by URL parameter, eg Special:Contributions/User).
** Checks namespace and date options in form.
** Also utilizes &ucstart and &ucend date parameters if supplied manually (not supported in the UI atm).
*** These parameter soverride the form date options.
* Uses: Submit any IP CIDR range /16 or from /24 to /32. Submit any string (at least 3 characters) with a suffixed asterisk.
** eg: [ ] or [123.123.123.* ] or [Willy* ].
* Now keeps searching until it finds crMax (or forever with crshowall=true URI parameter).
** Puts them in a nice collapsed div stack, like enhanced recent changes.
* /25 and /26 ranges now disabled, since they are inaccurate (50 parameter limit), please use /24 (ucuserprefix) or /27 (32 parameters)

To do:
* use ajax (let sysops/bots = 5000)?

if( wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Contributions' && wgEnableAPI ) {
	$j( document ).ready( prefixContribsInit );
	var crContURI = ''; // query URI for continuing later
	var crLimit = 500; // limit for each query
	var crMax = 10000; // bypass with &crshowall=true URI parameter
	var crImgHid = stylepath + '/common/images/Arr_r.png';
	var crImgSho = stylepath + '/common/images/Arr_d.png';
		'.cr-list {padding-left:5px;}\n.cr-toggle-hidden {padding-left:16px;background: transparent no-repeat center left url("' + crImgHid + '")}' +
		'\n.cr-toggle-shown {padding-left:16px;background: transparent no-repeat center left url("' + crImgSho + '")}\n.mw-mightexist {font-style:italic;}' +
		'\n#results-from-CIDR {border:1px solid black;padding:.5em}\n#prefixcontribs-tog {float:right;border:1px solid black;text-decoration:none;color:black;padding:0 5px;}'

function prefixContribsInit() {
	var show = document.getElementById( 'contentSub' ) || document.getElementById( 'topbar' );
	if( show ) {
		show.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' \u2022 Javascript-enhanced contributions lookup 0.2 enabled. You may enter a CIDR range or append an asterisk to do a prefix search.' ) );
	var ucfrm = document.getElementsByTagName( 'form' )[0];
	if( !ucfrm.target ) {

	// general optionlets independent of type of search.
	var opt_ns = ( parseInt( ucfrm.namespace[ucfrm.namespace.selectedIndex].value ) > -1 ) ? '&ucnamespace=' + ucfrm.namespace[ucfrm.namespace.selectedIndex].value : '';
	var opt_ts = '';
	var m = '' + ucfrm.month.selectedIndex;
	var y = ucfrm.year.value;
	if( m.length == 1 ) {
		m = '0' + m;
	if( y > 2000 && y < 2100 ) {
		opt_ts = '&ucstart=' + y + '-' + m + '-01T00:00:00Z';
	var opts_se = '';
	if( queryString( 'ucstart' ) ) {
		opts_se += '&ucstart=' + encodeURIComponent( queryString( 'ucstart' ) );
	if( queryString( 'ucend' ) ) {
		opts_se += '&ucend=' + encodeURIComponent( queryString( 'ucend' ) );
	if( opts_se == '' ) {
		var options = opt_ns + opt_ts;
	} else {
		var options = opt_ns + opts_se + '&ucdir=newer';

	var patternCIDR = /(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\/(2[7-9]|3[0-2]|24|16)/i;
	var patternWild = /^.{3,}\*$/i;
	var url = wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/api.php?action=query&format=json&callback=prefixContribs&list=usercontribs' + options + '&uclimit=' + parseInt( crLimit );
	if( ucfrm.target.value.search( patternCIDR ) == 0 ) {
		prefixContribsStartbox( ucfrm.parentNode );
		var cidr = ucfrm.target.value.match( patternCIDR )[0];
		var range = cidr.match( /[^\/]\d{1,2}$/i )[0];
		if( range == 24 || range == 16 ) {
			// prefixable CIDR, lets do-er
			if( range == 24 ) {
				cidr = cidr.match( /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./ )[0];
			} else {
				cidr = cidr.match( /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./ )[0];
			url += '&ucuserprefix=' + cidr;
		} else {
			// complex CIDR, let's figure it out
			var oct3 = cidr.match( /\.\d{1,3}\//i )[0].replace( /(\.|\/)/g, '' );
			cidr = cidr.match( /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\./ )[0];
			var num = Math.pow( 2, 32 - range );
			var start = oct3 - oct3 % num;
			url += '&ucuser=';
			for( var i = start; i <= start + num; i++ ) {
				url += '' + cidr + i;
				if( i != start + num ) {
					url += '|';
	} else if( ucfrm.target.value.search( patternWild ) == 0 ) {
		// very simple wildcard, let's do-er
		prefixContribsStartbox( ucfrm.parentNode );
		var prefix = ucfrm.target.value.replace( /\*$/, '' );
		prefix = prefix.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + prefix.substr( 1 );
		url += '&ucuserprefix=' + prefix;
	importScriptURI( url );
	crContURI = url;

function prefixContribsStartbox( parent ) {
	var res = document.createElement( 'div' );
	res.setAttribute( 'id', 'results-from-CIDR' );
	addlinkchild( res, 'javascript:prefixContribsToggleAll();', 'toggle all', 'prefixcontribs-tog' );
	var spin = document.createElement( 'span' );
	spin.setAttribute( 'id', 'prefixcontribs-prog' );
	spin.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Searching.' ) );
	res.appendChild( spin );
	injectSpinner( spin, 'prefixcontribs-spin' );
	parent.appendChild( res );

function prefixContribs( obj ) {
	if( !obj['query'] || !obj['query']['usercontribs'] ) {
	cidr = obj['query']['usercontribs'];
	var res = document.getElementById( 'results-from-CIDR' );
	if( cidr.length == 0 ) {
		res.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' No changes were found for this wildcard/CIDR range.' ) );
		removeSpinner( 'prefixcontribs-spin' );
	for( var i = 0; i < cidr.length; i++ ) {
		var id = 'cr-' + escapeID( cidr[i].user );
		var etitle = encodeURIComponent( cidr[i].title.replace( / /g, '_' ) ).replace( '%2F', '/' ).replace( '%3A', ':' );
		var euser = encodeURIComponent( cidr[i].user.replace( / /g, '_' ) ).replace( '%2F', '/' ).replace( '%3A', ':' );
		// group each result set based on the user name, create new div for new names
		if( !document.getElementById( id ) ) {
			var hdiv = document.createElement( 'div' );
			hdiv.setAttribute( 'id', 'd-' + id );
			addlinkchild( hdiv, 'javascript:prefixContribsToggleDiv("' + id + '")', cidr[i].user, 'm-' + id, 'cr-toggle-hidden' );
			res.appendChild( hdiv );
			res.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '\n' ) );
			var rul = document.createElement( 'ul' );
			rul.setAttribute( 'id', id );
			rul.setAttribute( 'class', 'cr-list' );
			rul.style.display = 'none';
			res.appendChild( rul );
			res.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '\n' ) );
		var ul = document.getElementById( id );
		ul.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '\n' ) );
		var li = document.createElement( 'li' );
		li.appendChild( document.createTextNode( cidr[i].timestamp.replace( /T[\d:]*Z/, ' ' ) ) );
		addlinkchild( li, wgScript + '?title=Special:Contributions/' + euser, cidr[i].user );
		li.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' (' ) );
		addlinkchild( li, wgScript + '?title=User_talk:' + euser, 'talk', '', 'mw-mightexist' );
		li.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ') edited (' ) );
		addlinkchild( li, wgScript + '?title=' + etitle + '&curid=' + cidr[i].pageid + '&diff=prev&oldid=' + cidr[i].revid, 'diff' );
		li.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ') ' ) );
		addlinkchild( li, wgScript + '?title=' + etitle + '&curid=' + cidr[i].pageid, cidr[i].title );
		if( cidr[i].comment ) {
			li.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' (' + cidr[i].comment + ')' ) );
		ul.appendChild( li );

	// continue?
	crMax = crMax - cidr.length;
	var prog = document.getElementById( 'prefixcontribs-prog' );
		!obj['query-continue'] ||
		!obj['query-continue']['usercontribs'] ||
		removeSpinner( 'prefixcontribs-spin' );
		prog.parentNode.removeChild( prog );
	var url = crContURI + '&uccontinue='+ obj['query-continue']['usercontribs']['uccontinue'];
	if( crMax <= 0 && queryString( 'crshowall' ) != 'true' ) {
		prog.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' Whoa! Finding a lot. To see them all click ' ) );
		var ga = document.createElement( 'a' );
		var gaurl = document.location.href;
		if( gaurl.indexOf( '#' ) != -1 ) {
			gaurl = gaurl.substr( 0, gaurl.indexOf( '#' ) );
		if( gaurl.indexOf( '?' ) == -1 ) {
			gaurl += '?';
		gaurl += '&crshowall=true';
		ga.setAttribute( 'href', gaurl );
		ga.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'here' ) );
		prog.appendChild( ga );
		prog.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '. (Warning: May bog down browser!)' ) );
		removeSpinner( 'prefixcontribs-spin' );
	} else {
		prog.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '.' ) );
		importScriptURI( url );

function prefixContribsNumerate() {
	var lsts = getElementsByClassName( document, 'ul', 'cr-list' );
	for( var i = 0; i < lsts.length; i++ ) {
		var dv = document.getElementById( 'd-' + lsts[i].getAttribute( 'id' ) );
		dv.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' + lsts[i].getElementsByTagName( 'li' ).length + ' found' ) );
	if( lsts.length == 1 ) {
		prefixContribsToggleDiv( lsts[0].id );

function prefixContribsToggleAll() {
	var lsts = getElementsByClassName( document, 'ul', 'cr-list' );
	if( lsts.length == 0 ) {
	var togglefrom = lsts[0].style.display;
	for( var i = 0; i < lsts.length;i++ ) {
		if( lsts[i].style.display == togglefrom ) {
			prefixContribsToggleDiv( lsts[i].id );

function prefixContribsToggleDiv( id ) {
	var i = document.getElementById( id );
	var m = document.getElementById( 'm-' + id );
	if( !i || !m ) {
	if( i.style.display == 'none' ) {
		i.style.display = 'block';
		m.className = 'cr-toggle-shown'
	} else {
		i.style.display = 'none';
		m.className = 'cr-toggle-hidden'

function addlinkchild( obj, href, text, id, classes ) {
	if( !obj || !href || !text ) {
		return false;
	var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
	a.setAttribute( 'href', href );
	a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
	if( id ) {
		a.setAttribute( 'id', id );
	if( classes ) {
		a.setAttribute( 'class', classes );
	obj.appendChild( a );
	return a;

function escapeID( txt ) {
	var id = txt;
	id = id.replace( / /g, '_' );
	id = encodeURIComponent( id );
	id = id.replace( /\%3A/g, ':' );
	id = id.replace( /\%/g, '.' );
	return id;

function queryString( p ) {
	var re = RegExp( '[&?#]' + p + '=([^&#]*)' );
	var matches;
	if ( matches = re.exec( document.location ) ) {
		try {
			return decodeURI( matches[1] );
		} catch ( e ) {
	return null;